Welcome to the Garfield Park Master Gardener Association (GPMGA) site.
The goals of the GPMGA are to share knowledge about gardening with our members and others and offer volunteer opportunities.
January Update
The Garfield Park Master Gardener Association (GPMGA) will not meet this January. As usual, the organization’s board members and committee chairs will meet instead to plan for the coming year to continue the progress and enthusiasm seen this past year.
The membership of the GPMGA will meet next at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, when GPMGA member JoAnn Klooz will present on hydroponics.
The 2025 meeting dates are:
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10
Hope all is well. See you in February!
GPMGA Meetings and Locations
At present, the meetings occur on the 2nd Wednesday of the month February through December and feature both a program and a business meeting. We meet either virtually or at the Garfield Park Conservatory(accessible through the entrance by the Children’s Garden). Exceptions include off-site field trips (typically in April and September) and our annual picnic (typically held in July at the shelter near the Arts Center in Garfield Park). If you require an accommodation or special assistance to attend these meetings due to a disability, please contact us at 317-275-9286. Some accommodations may require a 2-week notice.