Welcome . . .


.  .  .  to the Garfield Park Master Gardener Association (GPMGA). The goals of the GPMGA are to share knowledge about gardening with our members and others, and offer meaningful volunteer opportunities.

We hope that you find your membership in the GPMGA valuable.  Please feel free to submit any ideas or suggestions for improvement at our monthly meetings or to the officers and committee members under the Contact Us tab.


Meetings occur the 2nd Wednesday of the month from February through December .  The gathering includes a featured program, snacks (and a chance to socialize) and a business meeting.  During January, only the GPMGA Officers and Committee Chairs meet.

Except for the annual picnic and offsite field trips, we meet in the meeting room at the Garfield Park Conservatory (2505 Conservatory Drive, Indianapolis, IN  46205).  You may access the entrance for the meeting room by using the entrance at the far end of the Children’s Garden.

Area Discounts for GPMGA Members

In 2016, the 19 local garden centers provided members of the GPMGA a 10% discount on regularly priced plants and garden merchandise.  For a complete listing of participating centers, visit the Garden Center Discounts tab under the Members Only tab.

GPMGA Special Events

GPMGA Plant Sale

The GPMGA holds a plant sale in May at which we sell plants from members’ gardens and donations from some generous local companies.  It is both a fun event and a great fundraiser!

With part of the funds from the Plant Sale, we offer grants to support worthy gardening projects in our community— sponsored by a GPMGA member.

GPMGA Annual Picnic

GPMGA has its annual picnic each July at the shelter near the Garfield Park Arts Center.  This pitch-in provides members with another chance to get to know each other better.

MCMGA-GPMGA September Meeting

Most years, the GPMGA works together with the Marion County Master Gardeners Association (MCMGA) to host an evening meeting featuring a prominent gardening expert or author.

GPMGA Holiday Event/Photo Contest

Each December, the GPMGA has its annual holiday event.  This delicious pitch-in is followed by a short program and our annual photo contest showcasing photos submitted by our members!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities abound both in the GPMGA and in the community.